Anchor Care Homes Uniforms By ICW | Incorporatewear

About Anchor Care Homes

In need of a diverse and inclusive uniform range that supported and empowered their staff, Incorporatwear were there to deliver.

Anchor are England’s largest not-for-profit provider of housing and care for older people. They offer a range of on-site care services for independently minded people with care and support needs, who still want to be able to live in their own rented or leasehold property.

In February of 2017 we were approached by Anchor Care Homes to introduce Incorporatewear and elaborate further on who we are and how we go about providing corporate wardrobe solutions.

Anchor needed a new uniform range that was diverse and inclusive of their workforce, offering head-to-toe garments that their staff could wear with pride, whilst also supporting them in their challenging roles.

The Numbers

The Numbers

120+ Care homes across England
9000+ Members of the Anchor workforce
50+ Years providing care and housing

The Process

Supporting Anchor with the perfect fit to perform as one of England’s biggest care and housing providers.

Despite not previously having supplied the health and care sector, Anchor were impressed enough to invite us to tender.

We proceeded successfully through the process to the final stage of having to present to the key stakeholders. It was of paramount importance to Anchor that they meet the team who would be doing the daily job of running the account and hear from them how they anticipate in particular transitioning the account potentially from the incumbent supplier to ourselves, should we be successful.

Whilst Anchor stipulated that they meet the team, it is a view that we at Incorporatewear share wholeheartedly. We are very aware that we thrive in a competitive environment and the way we operate has to be efficient at all levels. However, we are also acutely aware that we are all people and working together is about building a relationship that is open, honest and one that works to ensure all parties benefit.

We were delighted to hear our success on being awarded this contract and look forward to an ongoing, rewarding relationship with Anchor Care Homes. It goes to prove that sector is somewhat irrelevant. It is all about demonstrating that you are a company who can deliver with integrity, a first class service which always puts the customer first and constantly looking for improvements and innovation, all delivered by an approachable and personable team.

Let’s Talk