The Perfect Fit For 16,000 Wearers
Uniforms that turn heads in every country.
TUI are one of the world’s leading global tourism platform companies, combining travel agencies, hotels, cruises, airlines, and much more, they’re adored by holiday-makers and travellers across the globe.
After successfully winning and supplying a contract to Thomson Airways in 2012, we were given the opportunity in 2016 to present a proposal to supply uniform to all TUI employees across the world working in holiday destinations.
As a result of our consistently high standards of service, quality of product and working in partnership with TUI, we were awarded the contract to provide airline uniform to TUI Nordics and TUI Fly Germany. It is the first time uniform for TUI Fly has been provided by a foreign supplier and to ensure consistency of service to the wearers ICW employs multilingual helpline and administration staff to provide support .
The number of wearers we now cater for is approximately 16,000 across all brands, a significant increase from the original 7,000 we were awarded in 2012.

The numbers

International Solutions
Creating accessible and inclusive options worldwide.
There is more of a complexity to serving international customers compared to those only based in the UK.
For example, we have historically provided uniform in standard UK sizes however as the overseas accounts grew with Thomson and then TUI we switched to providing uniform in dual sizes, both UK and European.
Our web ordering platforms have been updated so that no matter what country the wearer is from they can order uniform in the right language eliminating the chance of errors and allowing the staff to have access to all the same wearers guides and staff information as the UK staff.
Quick turnaround of orders is key especially for overseas reps who can depart quickly for their destinations and must have uniform before they leave the UK. For example, an employee will receive their contract of employment from TUI and be given our details to order their uniform with immediate effect.
In many instances they can be leaving the UK within days, so our processes are set up to ensure fast turnaround of new starter orders sent to the staff at their homes before they leave the UK.
ICW come into their own when we need to do something out of the ordinary and will always find a solution to a problem.
Denise Nash Crew Service Centre Team Leader Thomson Airways, TUI

Outfitting 47 Roles
The perfect fit to perform any role.
TUI overseas has a wide range of job roles, and in 2016 we developed garments for 47 different job roles for both male and female employees.
These vary from a Rep entertainer in Spain who requires activity shorts and polo tops to a Lakes and Mountains holiday adviser in Austria who has windbreaker jackets to Cruise Ship crew needing formal evening wear.
With over 260 items in the range since the contract began we have used our expert knowledge and experience to capsulise the range as much as possible by using the same fabrics across multiple products where possible, ensuring consistent fits and sizing across products and ensuring the right fabrics are selected for the right environment making them suitable and practical for the individual job roles and the environment the employee is working in.
The uniform is trailed by wearers in customer-facing roles in order to gain valuable customer feedback before new products are developed and rolled out to staff.