20th Anniversary - Part Four | Incorporatewear

20th Anniversary - Part Four

Here are the final five thoughts from our employees

It would have to be the openness and commitment to continuously improve as a business. Having approachable team members that you can share and exchange ideas with I believe is integral part of the success of the business. Additionally, from a personal perspective the company investing and paying for me to achieve my CIPS qualification shows their commitment and investment in staff to grow and improve.
Arun, Procurement Analyst

I am proud to have worked at the company for over eight years: my wife for 15 years. We are both Fine Art graduates and have been given an environment that actively encourages creative thinking. Ideas flourish within Incorporatewear’s walls; it’s always innovating and taking on board its employee’s views to make itself a more successful business. With that contract in place you feel motivated and valued, that’s why people stay loyal.
Barnes, Product Development Assistant

I love the variety. Every day is different and I get to interact with such a varied tasks. It means I am always learning.
Gosia, Embroidery operative

Incorporatewear is full of friendly and helpful colleagues who all work as one team to ensure all work is done to the best of our ability. There is room to grow and develop in the business, and this is always encouraged, and there is always training so we can develop our skills. Personally I really enjoy knowing that we provide such high customer satisfaction in the business.
Jessica, Account Administrator

I’ve been with ICW since it was founded 20 years ago and still each day is different. It is a nice feeling knowing you have worked with a number of people over the years and you have seen people grow i.e. get married, start a family or earn a promotion. I have also enjoyed how ICW has grown as a business and how everyone played a part in getting the business to where it is now. I’ve enjoyed taking extra challenges over the years and being able to work my way up the career ladder.
Lisa, Warehouse Support Manager