Employee Development | Incorporatewear

Employee Development

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In-house promotion is very important to us as we believe that it gives employees a chance to grow within the business. We also support training where possible to help employees learn and develop new and existing skills so they can complete tasks at a higher level.


Promoting Employees

Incorporatewear is also a big supporter of promoting from within and where appropriate will always offer the position in-house before looking outside the company. One of the many reasons for this being that current employees know about the business and are loyal to the company’s cause and mission. They also need less training than new employees as they are already familiar with systems, therefore less time is used training them initially. Offering these opportunities to internal employees may boost morale of staff, as they can move up the company and feel as though the business is investing in their future.

Staff are more likely to stay with a business if they are encouraged and supported to improve their skills through further training and can see that there is chance for them to advance in their career within the business. Employee retention and morale is very important to us at Incorporatewear.

Training Employees

Arun, a procurement analyst here at ICW, was supported and funded by ICW to complete a qualification in procurement and supply to enhance his knowledge:

“Through studying for my CIPS qualification I definitely feel that I am on the right track to becoming a more well-rounded part of the team. Some of the concepts picked up during my studies have made me re-think my approach to certain situations, and helped identify certain areas for improvement on a personal front.

“Whilst studying can be challenging the support shown by the business and other team members has been pivotal in helping me to stay motivated and focused.” – Arun