Lydia's PSPA Charity Day! | Incorporatewear

Lydia's PSPA Charity Day!

“PSP is a horrendous disease that has changed my family’s life, but it’s days like today that give you the courage to carry on smiling.” – Lydia

Yesterday Lydia held a charity day to fundraise for PSPA (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Association) a charity very close to Lydia’s heart. In less than 2 months Lydia will be running the London Marathon for this charity and has so far raised £1454.62 and is very close to reaching her £1600 target!

To help her get closer to her target we had a fun day yesterday and many of us baked it or faked it to bring together one of our biggest bake sales to date! From pies to pastries and samosas to sausage rolls we all got stuck in and dug deep for a worthy cause. Our legendary tea trolley also made its way round the building providing a variety of teas, coffees, juices and treats to everyone.

We also dressed down in our sports gear and the best dressed got a prize with Jess winning a chocolate bouquet for her rugby kit, ball and muddy socks! Runners up included Sarah in her basketball kit, Theresa in her Taekwondo outfit, Debbie in her pink tutu and ‘running buddy outfit’ and Kasia in her Zumba gear! So great to see everyone making the effort to help raise money.

To bring out everyone’s competitive side Lydia also challenged people to a couple of games – How many steps will Lydia do in her marathon race and how long will it take her? Winners will be revealed the day after her race.

In total we raised a massive £350.62!


I cannot wait to share with the charity how much we have raised and have no doubt they will be as overwhelmed as I am. – Lydia


We had a chat with Lydia to see how her training is going.

“My training has been reduced as sadly I suffered a knee injury, so I have reduced my sessions from 4 a week to 2 a week. At the moment I am building the mileage back up, but hope to at least get an 18.5 mile run under my belt before the big day.”

Any more fundraising before the race?

“I am just going to continue promoting my Virgin Money Giving Page and hope that brings some more sponsors.”

3 words to describe how you feel about the big day

“Nervous, excited, overwhelmed!”