Marathon Update! | Incorporatewear

Marathon Update!

Marathon Mission!

We caught up with our marathon runner Lydia to see how her training is going! With less than 100 days to go how is she feeling about the big day?

How is your training going?

It’s tough, really tough! Overall it’s going well but it’s becoming more full on as it gets closer. I’m not doing as many short runs anymore so it’s all at least 8 or 9 miles which has been hard.

How have you coped over Winter and Christmas?

I allowed myself to have Christmas off and I started again on 2nd January. I’ve been running half gym/half outside, depending on the weather. No one wants to run in the freezing cold! I’ve had a lot of support from my boyfriend who has ran with me on occasions, he is really supportive- even when it is freezing!

Are you more nervous or excited for the run now?

Definitely more nervous than anything. I wasn’t as much before as I could say that it was next year and it seemed much further away, but I can’t do that anymore! I’m running a half marathon at Prestwold Hall in Leicester in February so I think I’ll feel more confident after that, knowing I can at least get that far. The thought of the full marathon is definitely daunting but I know it’ll probably be one of the best things I ever do (and the worst!).

What keeps you motivated?

Mainly the thought and feeling of crossing the finish line and seeing my family and friends waiting for me. I’ve had lots of messages of support and sponsors from friends and family, but also from people I haven’t spoken to in ages and have lost touch with, which is lovely. The support from the PSP association has also been really positive and they hold a party at the finish line for anyone running for them and all the supporters can come along too. I’ll definitely have earned a drink or two by then!

How’s fundraising going? What else have you got planned?

Really well. I’ve got £784 which is just under half of my £1600 target so still on track. Recently at work I raffled off items from a Christmas hamper I received which raised another £45 which was great and lots of people got a treat too! I’ve got the half marathon next month so hoping to gain support from that. A few of my customers have asked to sponsor too which is really generous, so still positive I will reach my target!

What songs are top of your running playlist?

Anything by Beyoncé!

Her song ‘Freedom’ is a really good one as it has the lyrics “I’ma keep running cause a winner don’t quit on themselves” which is good motivation. I love a big range of music so anything from the Foo Fighters to Disney to Jay Z is good for me!

Can you give any advice to next year’s runners or anyone looking to train for a big event?

You need to take it seriously and realise the impact it has on your time and body! Don’t skip out on runs and don’t make excuses, it won’t help in the long run. Know your fitness levels and train with other people to keep you motivated. It may be hard but once you reach past certain miles you never thought you could do it gives you the motivation to keep going.

Any last comments?

A huge thank you to everyone who has sponsored me or has given me any support so far. Whether I’m running, walking or crawling I will cross that finish line! I’ll be looking forward to my glass of fizz at the end.

Please see below the link to Lydia’s fundraising page to learn more.

Lydia’s Fundraising Page

PSP Association Website